New Jersey ADR Resources & Organizations

Here for your benefit are links to the preeminent ADR organizations, agencies and companies involved in mediation/arbitration within the State of New Jersey. The Academy has worked cooperatively with various bodies to ensure that only the most experienced professionals are included in our member roster. Note though that there are no formal certification requirements for the private practice of mediation or arbitration in New Jersey.

New Jersey State Courts - Mediation Program
The NJ State Court provides a roster of mediators available for court-appointed cases, including the mediation of family/divorce matters. Court Rule 1:40-4 & 6 govern the mediation program for Civil, General Equity and Probate Cases. For more info on New Jersey ADR Rules, please visit

Justice Garibaldi American Inn of Court for ADR
The first and so far only American Inn of Court established for Alternate Dispute Resolution was formed in 1998 in New Jersey.The Alternate Dispute Resolution Inn was named for Justice Marie L. Garibaldi who was a noted practitioner and the first woman Supreme Court Justice in New Jersey, who served on the Court from 1982 to 2000. The Garibaldi Inn, consistent with the Foundation's mission, works to foster excellence in professionalism, ethics, civility and legal skills. Its members comprise lawyers who are state and federal judges, retired judges, law professors, legal practitioners and ADR professionals, both lawyers and mediators. For more info, click here.

New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators
New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators NJAPM is a non-profit professional organization dedicated to fostering excellence in the field of mediation, and promoting mediation by accredited mediators as the preferred method of conflict resolution. The association is open to non-attorneys and maintains a useful directory of accredited family practitioners. Visit website at

The New Jersey Bar's ADR Section promotes ADR in New Jersey by educating the Bar, the judiciary, the legislature and the public on its value. It also proposes and evaluates legislation, regulations, rules and policy to foster the expansion of ADR and to improve its quality. Section members also have access to CLE educational opportunities. Visit Section website here.

America's Top Rated Civil Mediators & Arbitrators
Need a mediator or arbitrator from outside of New Jersey? NADN is pleased to recognize the most experienced civil/commercial neutrals around the United States, as voted by local litigators. Please feel free to visit our National Directory at